Information For Authors

For Our Authors

If you wish to submit a manuscript to our journal, we encourage you to first review the About the journal section to familiarize yourself with our editorial policy and Submission guidelines. Next, please register (preferably using your ORCID ID) and send an email to the Editor-in-Chief at both email addresses (komives.tamas[at] and komives.tamas[at] to express your intent to submit a manuscript. Upon receipt of your email, the editors will upgrade your user profile to "Author," enabling you to proceed with the five-step submission process. For more information, please refer to our Privacy Statement, which ensures that your name and email address will not be used for any other purposes.

Please note that your submission is not permitted to include any content that has been created by ChatGPT (or any other AI tools) unless you have given an explanation in the Comments to the Editor section.

For your information: the present (year to date) acceptance rate for papers submitted to Ecocycles is below 50%.