
On behalf of the ESSC (European Society for Soil Conservation), the EURECYS (European Ecocycles Society) and the Organizing Committee, we are pleased to invite you to attend the

1st International Joint Congress on “Sustainable Management of Cultural Landscapes in the context of the European Green Deal”.

The Congress will be hosted in Santo Stefano di Camastra (Italy) from 10 to 14 November 2021. The objective of the congress is to shed new light on critical issues concerning the exploitation of ecosystem services, conservation of cultural heritage and to assess new perspectives to the future development of the cultural landscapes in the context of the European Green Deal.

The Congress is open to scientists, students, educators, managers, policy and decision-makers. It will consist of invited lectures, scientific sessions with oral and poster presentations, and a scientific and cultural excursion.

Further information on the Congress (registration, logistics, accommodation), is available
on the website of the Congress: https://www.ecocycles.net/ESSC-EURECYS-Congress/

We are looking forward to meeting you in Sicily!

Venue of the congress

The venue of the Congress is situated in the MUDIS Museum of Ceramics at Palazzo Trabbia in Santo Stefano di Camastra, a small town, worldwide famous of its ceramics, located on the Northern seashore in the province of Messina, about 100 km east of Palermo and about 135 km west of Messina. The address of the Museum: Via Palazzo 1, 98077 Santo Stefano di Camastra, Sicily, Italy.

Regarding accommodation, there are many excellent hotels in Santo Stefano di Camastra at affordable prices often only walking distance from the venue of the congress. In your online registration you can choose if you wish to have assistance with hotel reservation (through our partner travel agency in Santo Stefano di Camastra). More detailed information about hotels, airport transport, and other services will be available
on the website of the Congress: https://www.ecocycles.net/ESSC-EURECYS-Congress/ .




Museo della Ceramica

Santo Stefano di Camastra

Sicily – Italy


Program at glance

Day Part of the day Program
10th of November Morning 10:00 – 16:00 Registration
14:00 – 15:00 ESSC council meeting
15:00 – 16:00 EURECYS council meeting
Afternoon 16:00 – 16:15 Break
16:15 – 17:15 Welcome speeches
17:15 – 19:00 Invited plenary lectures
19:00 – 19:30 Break
19:30 – 22:30 Welcome cocktail at the venue of the congress
11th of November Morning
Session 1
09:00 – 12:30 Invited lecture
Oral and poster sessions
12:30 – 13:45 Lunch
Session 2
13:45 – 18:00 Invited lecture
Oral and poster sessions
18:00 – 19:00 Break
Evening 19:00 – 22:30 Social dinner
12th of November Morning
Session 3
09:00 – 12:30 Invited lecture
Oral and poster sessions
12:30 – 13:45 Lunch
Session 4
13:45 – 18:00 Invited lecture
Oral and poster sessions
18:00 – 18:30 Break
Evening 18:30 – 19:30 General assembly
Closing ceremony & Awards
13th of November Whole day 08:30 – 17:30 Scientific and cultural excursion
14th of November Departure

Check out the detailed program by clicking the button below:

Click here

Scientific sessions

The scientific sessions of the 1st Joint International ESSC – EURECYS Congress are organized into the following main subject areas and topics


  1. Climate change – challenges for the survival of humankind
  2. Ecosystem Services and the Ecological Footprint
  3. Shrinking freshwater resources
  4. Actuality of the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment in view of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
  5. The age of regenerative development – beyond sustainability

SESSION 1. Linking Europe’s Green Deal to Soil care

  1. A way forward: changing the soil paradigm to spread the soil awareness
  2. Soil ecosystems, nutrient cycling, and carbon sequestration in soils
  3. Management of soil functions and services
  4. Sustainable Land Management in a changing environment
  5. Soil care and food security
  6. Soil pollution/contamination and remediation practices
  7. Soil carbon sequestration to contrast and mitigate climate change
  8. Policies supporting soil care and soil ecosystem services

SESSION 2. Agriculture and natural resource management

  1. Multifunctional Agriculture
  2. Sustainable agricultural production
  3. Viticulture, sustainable wine production and viticultural landscapes
  4. Food Safety: quality, supply, protection of origin
  5. Management of Natural Resources
  6. Wildlife ecology, forestry and rural planning
  7. Persistent Organic Pollutants: prevention, remediation, mitigation
  8. Water resources: conservation, use and remediation
  9. Effects of climate change on agriculture and cultural landscapes
  10. Geoinformatics and nanotechnology in precision agriculture

SESSION 3. Principles and issues in sustainable regional development

  1. Scenario Analysis: Strategy vs Vision
  2. Cultural web, paradigm and changes of paradigm
  3. Participatory Approach in Regional Planning
  4. Classification of resources and Resource Audit
  5. Strategic Planning and Feedback Mechanisms
  6. How to handle extreme urbanisation and depopulation of the countryside?
  7. Environmental, economic, and social carrying capacity
  8. Benefit of Circular Economy in environmental management
  9. Natural and Anthropogenic Ecocycles
  10. Waste management and waste to energy systems

SESSION 4. Cultural landscapes and Heritage science

  1. Cultural Landscapes: new concepts
  2. European Landscape Convention: implementation and barriers
  3. The built heritage – preservation or conservation?
  4. Intangible Cultural Heritage in landscape management
  5. Sustainable tourism and conservation of cultural heritage
  6. Ecomuseums: new concepts in heritage conservation
  7. Preservation vs conservation: re-defining concepts from an evolutionary perspective
  8. Traditional trades and crafts: active conservation of intangible cultural heritage
  9. Landscape Observatories and Decision Support Systems
  10. International organizations of landscape management: legal background and international agreements


Registration form

We'll never share your email with anyone else.
We'll never share your email with anyone else.

Dear Colleague,

The registration for the 1st International Joint Congress on

“Sustainable Management of Cultural Landscapes in the context of the European Green Deal”

is now closed. If there is any problem regarding an earlier but not acknowledged registration or any other issue, please, contact the Organisation Committee of the Congress: giuseppe.lopapa@unipa.it.

Sincerely yours:

The Organisation Committee of the Congress


Early registration
Until 31st of August 2021
Regular registration
Until 30th of September 2021
Late registration
Until 15th of October 2021
Scientific and cultural excursion
Regular participant 150 € 200 € 250 € free
ESSC and EURECYS members *
100 € 150 € 200 € free
Students/PhD students**
50 € 75 € 100 € free
Accompanying person 25 € 25 € 25 € free
Social dinner 35 € 35 € 35 €

* Only for those members, who are up to date with the 2021 membership fee (when applicable)

** Proof of the student/PhD student status must be provided by a relevant certificate signed by the tutor/institution and msu be sent by e-mail to Giuseppe Lo papa (giuseppe.lopapa@unipa.it) and in cc to Sándor Némethy (sandor@conservation.gu.se) soon after the registration.

Payment of registration fees

Name of the Bank Raiffeisen Bank, Hungary
Branch Head Office
Beneficiary European Ecocycles Society (EURECYS)
Address of Beneficiary Matrai ut 36, H-3200 Gyongyos, Hungary
Account number 01388933 00200003
IBAN HU54 12032006 01388933 00200003
Description / message Fee ESSC – EURECYS Congress 2021


The Nebrodi Natural Park, the place for the planned scientific and cultural excursion www.parcodeinebrodi.it


Information regarding the submission of abstracts, full-length articles, and posters


Abstracts must be submitted by email both in Word and pdf format.
Please, indicate in the email subject: Abstract ESSC-EURECYS Congress.
Each submission will be peer-reviewed by the Scientific Committee. The accepted contributions will be published online and in print, in the abstract volume of the Congress.

Important Elements

  1. Title (Times New Roman 14, bold):
    Abstract title should be concise and should be entered in title case format, using SMALL CAPITALS (small caps/petit caps). Titles should be written in bold character format.
  2. Authors (Times New Roman 11):
    Enter first (given) name, initials (if any), last (family/surname) names, and for each author and institution/affiliation (numbered with upper case before the names e. g. 1David J. Wilson) Please do not list the department/branch in the institution/affiliation field. One person must be identified as the presenting author. Although only the presenting author’s e-mail address will appear in the publication, we need the e-mail addresses of all authors due to regulations regarding requirements of transparency and communication purposes.
  3. Abstract Text (Times New Roman 12):
    All abstracts should be not more than 1500 characters without spaces. Tables are permitted but should be simple and concise. Graphics/images are not recommended unless they are integral to the abstract and should be limited to no more than one or two.
  4. Content/structure of the Abstract:
    Title, authors and authors' affiliations are not included in the 1500 character limit. The abstract must contain a brief statement of:
    1. The objectives of the investigation
    2. Experimental methods used (depending on the type and scope of the study)
    3. Essential results
    4. Conclusions
  5. Keywords:
    All abstract submissions may present up to eight keywords. Four keywords are required.
  6. Scientific session & presentation:
    Indicate the number of the scientific session in case of oral/poster presentation.


Full-length articles must be submitted by email both in Word and pdf format.
Please, indicate in the email subject: Article ESSC-EURECYS Congress.
Each submission will be peer-reviewed by the Scientific Committee.
The accepted contributions will be published in two journals: Ecocycles www.ecocycles.net and Land www.mdpi.com/journal/land.

Important Elements

  1. Title (Times New Roman 14, bold):
    The title should be concise and should be entered in title case format, using SMALL CAPITALS (small caps/petit caps). Titles should be written in bold character format.
  2. Authors (Times New Roman, font size: 11):
    Enter first (given) name, initials (if any), last (family/surname) names, and for each author and institution/affiliation (numbered with upper case before the names e. g. 1David J. Wilson) Please do not list the department/branch in the institution/affiliation field. One person must be identified as the presenting author. Although only the presenting author’s e-mail address will appear in the publication, we need the e-mail addresses of all authors due to regulations regarding requirements of transparency and communication purposes.
  3. Abstract (Times New Roman, font size: 11):
    All abstracts should be not more than 1500 characters without spaces. No tables and figures, but the text should be the same as in the previously submitted abstracts.
  4. Keywords (max. eight keywords) font size: 11
  5. Text: Number of characters: min. 10000 and not more than 30000 (about 150 excess characters accepted) Pictures/photographs: JPG format, 300 DPI; shall be attached even as separate files to the submitted text.
    • Font: Times New Roman
    • Font size for text: 12
    • Font size for subtitles: 13, small capitals
    • Margins: 20 mm
  6. Referencing: we use the Harvard Referencing system: www.citethisforme.com/harvard-referencing Footnotes shall be used only for explanations/clarifications, direct (word by word) citations and web references. As addition to the reference list, if available, DOI – numbers must be included. The reference list is titled REFERENCES . Please, do not use the term “bibliography” instead of references: only cited literature should be included.

The reviewed and accepted articles will be published in the following two journals (which, prior to the review shall be decided by the scientific committee and the editorial boards of the journals):

Ecocycles ISSN: 2416-2140 www.ecocycles.net/ojs/index.php/Ecocycles/index
Land ISSN 2073-445X https://www.mdpi.com/journal/land


The size of the printed posters shall be 70 x 100 cm, vertical (portrait) orientation, margins 25 mm. Please, design your posters according to these specifications. Pictures/photographs of posters: JPG format, high resolution (300 DPI) shall be attached even as separate files to the submitted text (word and pdf) documents. Printing of posters will be carried out by EURECYS at no extra cost for the participants. Prior to printing author’s copyedit will be sent to the authors for final control.

Scientific session: Please, indicate the number of the scientific session in your submission.


The President of the Organising Committee: Giuseppe Lo Papa, e-mail: giuseppe.lopapa@unipa.it
The President of the Scientific Committee: Sándor Némethy, e-mail: sandor@conservation.gu.se
The President of European Society for Soil Conservation: Carmelo Dazzi, e-mail: carmelo.dazzi@unipa.it
The President of European Ecocycles Society: Tamás Kőmíves, e-mail: komives.tamas@gmail.com
You will find more information on the website of the Congress: https://www.ecocycles.net/ESSC-EURECYS-Congress/